Google+ Communities Will Connect You To Gamers


In one push of the button Google has elevated the activity on its social network Google+ substantially, seemingly in just one day. If you haven’t heard about Communities yet then let me tell you a little about them.

First of all why should you be on Google+? There are a number of reasons, but with sticking to the theme of marketing your game and company I’ll focus on that for now. Maybe the biggest reason to be on Google+ at least on a personal account is to network. I have spoken to a lot of you through Twitter over the last few months and Twitter does a great job of helping you find people with a similar interest as you. The strength and weakness of Twitter, however, is its limited format. You get your 140 characters and then you’re done. When you’re trying to have a conversation with people this can get frustrating. “Why not just use Facebook then?” you may ask. The answer to that is that Facebook is more of a private social media site for a lot of people. You are less likely to accept a friend request from someone you’ve never actually met in real life. This means you also aren’t chatting with them.

So what does Google+ have to do with all of this? Everything. Google+ effectively combines the networking strengths of Twitter using hashtags, and the comfortable, open feeling of Facebook using chat features and no character limits on posts. Google+ actually takes this a step further by allowing anyone the ability to video chat rather easily. I’ve been using the video chat software (Hangouts as it’s referred to) for a few weeks for our “On Air” series of interviews.

To sum all of this up – You can easily find gamers and game developers on Google+, begin talking to them about shared interests, and collaborate on projects or discussions using video networking software… all for free! Sign up!

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So what are Communities?

Communities on Google+ make finding others with similar interests as you even easier than hashtags.  A Community can be either private or public, be a topic, a place, an interest or anything you’d like to share with others.

The owner can also customize communities. What this means is you can set up different discussion, similar to a forum, where people can post different topics within the overall community. As an example, I created the Indie Games Community earlier today. Within the Community I created the following sub topics:

  • For Gamers
  • For Devs

This organizes posts for members and clearly illustrates where your post should go. These discussions can be rearranged, renamed, added, or subtracted at any time by the Community owner.

Google+ Hangouts can also easily be created, at any time, with any group members. A Google+ Hangout is a powerful videoconference software built directly into Google+. I don’t like calling it video chat because there is so much more that can be accomplished with it. There is text chatting, audio, and video built in. In addition a screen share feature lets you easily show what you are working on to others in the hangout. Another great feature is Google Drive integration. You can work on documents with others in real time while all being on the same broadcast as if you were in the same room. Extremely powerful for connecting developers from around the world.

Events can also be set up from within the Community. As an example, for my Startup Gamers On Air show I can set up the event in the Community so all members can see it and join if they care to. Another option for developers would be if they were going to be at a local game store or convention demoing their game. To get the word out they could set up the event and list the location, date, and time and suddenly people that never would have known about it would be informed.

Finally, the option to share any article, post, picture, or anything you find on the Internet with every member of the Community is not only possible now, but also extremely easy. All of those +1 buttons out there now and soon to be out there have this capability.

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As you can see Google+ Communities have some huge implications in networking and that means more exposure for you, your company, and your game. There is a general rule out there though: Do not use this, or any social media, to only promote yourself. If you constantly post about how great your game is then people will ignore it and on some platforms it could get you banned for SPAM. Instead take part in discussions, comment on the work people are doing, and provide help when people are stuck.

I’ll leave you with some new Communities that you should definitely be a part of if you’re an indie game developer or gamer:

 Indie Games

Indie Game Developers


 Are there any other Communities you’ve found that are interesting? Let me know in the comments!

Talk soon,


Screen Shot 2012-11-27 at 9.50.42 PMStartup Gamers helps you make a name in the indie game space. Click START for updates!

Startup Idea, Why I Am Doing It And Who I Am

I wanted to take a few minutes to give Startup Gamers a little bit of an identity outside of the logo you all have been seeing out there on social media. It’s been great meeting so many awesome people from the community and seeing how everyone is so eager to interact with other studios and the gaming community. Let’s get to it:

Who are you?

Patrick Stephens

I’m from a small suburb about 40 minutes outside of Boston, MA. I’ve lived here my entire life while travelling to different parts of the country for work over the years (I hope to go to PAX Australia in 2013!).

My background is in sales and marketing as I did sales training work for nearly ten years with Circuit City, right up until they went out of business. At that point I had a decision to make – continue on the road of in-store sales or branch out and embrace the technology I’ve grown up with (the Internet). I chose to embrace technology by studying Internet Marketing and at the same time taking on a position as a regional manager for a consumer experience marketing company in the Northeast.

Why Startup Gamers?

This questions really goes all the way back to the 80’s (30 years ago now). I can remember playing Adventure (you can play it now by visiting this link) on Atari when my twin aunts brought home a shiny new box with the word Nintendo written on the side. I commented on this before, but the first time a goomba started walking toward us we had no idea what to do! I also remember my uncle creating elaborate stories involving trolls and orcs and magic potion. He told me these stories when I was at my most impressionable ages. He was a D&D gamer from its beginning and his passion for the game created a lifelong obsession with me. Fast forward a few years and I’ve taken home a brand new PlayStation just in time for summer break from school. The guy at the store recommended Silent Hill since I am a horror fan so that was what I bought – how scary can a game be? Extremely scary. I spent a good portion of that summer navigating Harry through the desolate, foggy town. About 8 years later it’s time for PAX East and my buddy finds a unique, storytelling indie game called Fiasco. When we finally get home and get a group together to play we come up with possibly the most outrageous, fun, inappropriate gaming night we’ve ever had.

So to answer the question of why I’m launching Startup Gamers – I love games.  I’ve wanted to open a gaming store for years, but the economic conditions always told me it was never a good time. So that got me thinking – What was it about the game store that attracted me? Was it the high cost of goods? Was it the settling stench of chicken soup? Was it the disheveled look and feel of the product on old bookshelves? Well, OK, maybe all of that has something to do with it now that I think about it – but really what attracted me to the idea of a game store was the community. It’s the idea of gamers coming together to play games, and to make new friends. It’s the idea of helping each other out and also healthy competition. Startup Gamers is your friendly local gaming spot, but it’s worldwide and that is a powerful idea.

So tell me about you in the comments, shoot me an email, post to my twitter. This is your magazine as much as it is mine and I absolutely mean that. You will never find an advertisement on our site, nor will you pay a dime for any content that we publish on it.

Talk soon,


follow me on twitter: @PDS271